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Calculates the cosine similarity of c-TF-IDF between documents and topics and redistributes outliers based on the topic it has the highest similarity to. Note that the purpose of this function is to obtain a new list of topics that can then be used to update the model, it does not make any changes to the model itself, the topic classification the model outputs does not change after running this function. The bt_update_topics function needs to be used to make the change to the model itself.


bt_outliers_ctfidf(fitted_model, documents, topics, threshold = 0.3)



Output of bt_fit_model() or another bertopic topic model. The model must have been fitted to data.


documents to which the model was fit


current topics associated with the documents


minimum probability for outlier to be reassigned


df with document, old topic, new topic


It is possible to chain outlier reduction methods together as the operation works on the list of topics input to the argument, which can vary. You will see in the examples that we are able to perform one outlier reduction method, eg. bt_outliers_embeddings, which will output a list of potential new topics, and input that list into another outlier reduction method, eg. bt_outliers_ctfidf, which will determine the output topic suggestions based on the input list. In this way we can use aspects of multiple outlier reduction strategies and chain them together.


if (FALSE) {
# Reducing outliers original clustering model identified
outliers <- bt_outliers_ctfidf(fitted_model = topic_model, documents = docs, topics = topic_model$topics_)

# Using chain strategies to build on outliers identified by another reduction strategy to redistribute outlier docs
# using embeddings to redistribute outliers
outliers_embed <- bt_outliers_embedings(fitted_model = topic_model, documents = docs, topics = topic_model$topics_)

# using ctfidf outlier reduction method on top of embeddings method to redistribute outliers
outliers_chain <- bt_outliers_ctfidf(fitted_model = topic_model, documents = docs, topics = outliers_embed$new_topics, threshold = 0.2)
